Improved workflow, More sterility: The handheld pointer as interaction tool in navigated liver surgery
The handheld probe with function trigger was developed with easier communication between input devices and computers in mind. In the context of computer-assisted surgery, it can replace input devices such as keyboard, footswitch and mouse. The handheld probe provides the surgeon with a tool taking over both: landmark registration and software control. The autoclavable pointer eases problems other hard-to sterilize input devices often cause.
The scientists and engineers at Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute in Bremen, Germany, are currently working on the optimization of a navigation system for liver surgery. One of their goals is an improved interaction of surgeon and system. The handheld probe is one of the key components to reaching this goal. It is integrated into the navigation system and optimized for the application. A paper, published in February 2012 by D. Ojdanic, L. Chen, and H.-O. Pleitgen, discusses the benefits and the further potential of the handheld probe’s implementation into the navigation system developed by MEVIS. (A laser pointer is furthermore integrated to further enhance the system).
The paper is available for download at the website of SPIE Digital Library.